We are excited to partner with
Wholesome Food Services
to provide hot, nutritious lunches for our students!
Yes! The students love it when parents are present! Use the Sign-Up Genius located here to sign up. All volunteers must be Virtus trained before helping at lunch. Please see the Support St. Ambrose page if you need help starting the Virtus training process. Contact the front office with any questions. If you would like to stop in and have lunch with your child you do not need to be Virtus compliant.
You can sign up here: https://www.Yes! The classrooms are nut free locations, but the lunchroom is not. The tables in the lunchroom have one end that is designated as a nut-free area for children who have nut allergies.
Each homeroom has a one or two tables that are designated for its students. Students can choose where at the table they sit. However, the students may not sit with friends from another grade level.