Update from Mr. Elliott – October 9

Dear Parents,

Last night was a great night at St. Ambrose Catholic Church!  Congratulations to our eighth graders on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation last night. I was so proud and impressed with our eighth graders as I had the privilege to sit in on the conversation Bishop Burbidge had with our young people before Mass.  Our students were mature, polite, and definitely prepared as they answered correctly all the questions that Bishop Burbidge asked of them. Please continue to keep these students in your prayers as they grow in this sacrament of initiation and come into a deeper communion with the Church.

Below are some important reminders for your consideration:

Restaurant Night is tonight at Freddy’s from 5-9pm. We hope to see you there! Remember to tell the cashier you are there for St. Ambrose!

Please make sure you see the information sent home today in regard to Formation in Christian Chastity.

There only 5 days left to get your limited edition 25th Anniversary St. Ambrose Spirit-Wear!  Don’t delay….get your gear today!  This campaign ends on October 14th.  Please click on the link below to order.


We need one family per mass over this weekend to collect box tops from parishioners. This requires only 10 minutes of your time and can result in earning hundreds of dollars for our school. Please consider helping by using using the signup genius.


Trunk or Treat will be on Friday, October 18 at 6pm. We hope you’ll join us for this St. Ambrose tradition. Signup to enter your trunk, order pizza and/or donate candy using the signup genius:


Mark your calendars for Sunday October 20. We will be hosting donuts coffee and juice after the 10am mass in support of our awesome student choir who will be celebrating their first Sunday mass of the school year.

Congrats to our track and field team for a successful meet and outstanding performance this past weekend. Way to go Knights!

I will not be here on Thursday or Friday.  I will be in West Virginia attending the annual Arlington Diocese School Principal’s Retreat.  Bishop Burbidge will celebrate Mass for the attendees on Friday and I plan to offer my prayer petitions for the intentions of the children and families of this wonderful school community.  Have a fantastic three day break and I look forward to seeing you in the drop off line on Tuesday morning!

God bless,

George Elliott

St. Ambrose Catholic School

3827 Woodburn Road, Annandale, VA 22003

Phone: 703-698-7171

Fax: 703-698-7170

St. Ambrose School admits students of any race, color, and national origin.

"Christ is everything to us" – St. Ambrose