Updates – March 13

Dear Parents:
Due to a diocesan-wide technical glitch, the report cards will not be ready to go home today. Our goal is to have them for Friday. I will keep you posted.

In honor of two important feast days that are coming up – St. Patrick and St. Joseph – we will have a special green/red dress-down day on Monday, March 18. Students may choose one of these colors (guess which I would prefer?!!) for a minimum donation of $1. The money will be used to purchase gift cards for the St. Lucy food project. May the blessings of both of these great saints be with us.

As you have observed, the construction project has begun! The students have had fun at recess watching the progress. Thanks to all of you for being patient with our new carpool system. Just a reminder that for afternoon carpool only four cars should line up in each lane. This allows for the refilling of the lanes as the cars move out. Please be mindful to start a new lane if there are four cars in line ahead of you. Thank you.
God bless.
Angela Rowley

St. Ambrose Catholic School

3827 Woodburn Road, Annandale, VA 22003

Phone: 703-698-7171

Fax: 703-698-7170

St. Ambrose School admits students of any race, color, and national origin.

"Christ is everything to us" – St. Ambrose